Latest news

News, press releases and interviews in collaboration with our partners, sponsors and experts who are driving climate action. 

Showing 44 stories
Bob Moritz PWC headshot
21st August 2023
Bob Moritz, PwC, Global Chair

Why climate and nature matter to every business

Rebecca Fitz headshot
21st August 2023
Rebecca Fitz, Partner and Associate Director, Center for Energy Impact, BCG

Financing the Energy Transition Will Take Collective Action

14th September 2022
Christopher Guérin, CEO, Nexans

Optimizing the electrical grid

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9th September 2022
Ezgi Barcenas, Chief Sustainability Officer, AB InBev and Fernando Tennenbaum, Chief Financial Officer, AB InBev

Mitigating the climate crisis through the power of partnership

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2nd September 2022
Maria Mendiluce, CEO, We Mean Business Coalition

It’s critical, not controversial: Why we must double-down on nature investments