Live scribe | Climate Week Skip to main content
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Live scribe

Moments and moods from the week brought to life.

At Climate Week NYC, we brought Ludic Creatives to capture key moments and the mood across the Opening Ceremony and The Hub Live. Check out some of the amazing artwork from the week here and find the full suite of sketches on our multimedia hub. 

Live scribe
An artist from Ludic Creatives capturing key moments from a session.

These live scribe pieces evoke our strapline "We Can. We Will." They underscore Climate Week NYC's imperative of taking immediate action and embracing the pursuit of innovation. They exude a sense of optimism and serve as a rallying cry and collective promise to break down barriers. 

We Can. live scribe
We Can. "This is the great implementation."
We Will. live scribe
We Will. "With passion, hope, and action we can get it right."
New Frontiers of Climate Action live sketch
New Frontiers of Climate Action. "How do we bring people with us?"

Read more about the impacts and higlights of Climate Week NYC in our wrap up article.