Muslims for Climate Justice: The Earth is Our Amanah | Climate Week Skip to main content
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Muslims for Climate Justice: The Earth is Our Amanah

Event by: Faithfully Sustainable
Multiple days

9/9 12:00 PM - 9/10 9:00
The New School - The Auditorium Alvin Johnson/J.M. Kaplan Hall
Public event

New York City,
United States


What is an Amaanah?

Amaanah (أمانة) is an Arabic word that translates to “guardianship.” We, as Muslims, have been entrusted with this earth and we are taught by Islam to develop a collective consciousness that is embodied through our actions and encourages us to be deeply concerned about the well-being of all of Creation (ref: Qur'an, 2:3).

Whether it’s producing sustainably-sourced products or advocating against climate injustice, as khulafaa (stewards) on the Earth, every individual must work towards understanding their role and then develop themselves to carry out this sacred responsibility. To be khulafaa, we need to strive to establish Truth on the land and comprehensively implement guardianship of the Earth. This is how we approach the climate crisis and identify sustainable solutions.

Hence, the SUMMIT conference theme…

Muslims for Climate Justice: The Earth is Our Amanah

In September 2023 inshaAllah, Muslims dedicated to ending the climate crisis will gather at a SUMMIT to hear from renowned scholars and inspirational change-makers. Together, we will form an unbreakable network bound by an Islamic framework and worship of Allah (SWT), utilizing values of oneness, empathy, and justice to invite Muslims into the global climate conversation.

We want to create a space where Muslims are encouraged to:

  • explore the impact of the climate crisis on vulnerable communities globally through informative lectures and storytelling
  • analyze day-to-day consumption decisions and ways to positively impact the climate through sustainably-sourced and eco-friendly vendor showcase
  • become equipped with the tools to create climate solutions grounded in an Islamic framework through carefully crafted workshops

Thank you to our amazing sponsors and partners: