Celebrating World Environment Day by Getting It Done | Climate Week Skip to main content
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Celebrating World Environment Day by Getting It Done

4th June 2021 3 min read

Recently, we launched Climate Week NYC 2021. This is the year, the week, the time, for getting it done. 

Climate Week NYC is a platform for all voices working to protect the planet and its people. It is a week for collaboration and connection where businesses, organizations, government leaders, communities and individuals can showcase their ideas and creativity.  

The complexity of climate crisis requires innovative action and solutions across the board and each organization or individual may take a different path. In a countdown to Climate Week NYC 2021 (September 20-26th) and to celebrate World Environment Day, we asked a few of our key hosts and partners, what ‘getting it done’ means to them? 

Our Sustainable Living Partner, Junk Kouture, focuses on empowerment of young people through education:

“Getting it done to Junk Kouture means educating and empowering the lives of young people to make lasting behavioural change and real climate impact. Through our community, competition, and outreach, JK is creating the circular engineers of tomorrow – recycling junk, creating Kouture and holding sustainability at the core of their outlook on the world.”

- Katie Brill, VP of PR and Communications, Junk Kouture

Climate Week NYC's Opening Ceremony Sponsor, leading beauty company L’Oréal, sets out ambitious sustainable development goals across the Group for 2030 and aims to empower its ecosystem for a more inclusive and sustainable society:

"For L’Oréal, "Getting it Done" means the steps we are taking to transform our business model to fight climate change and increase support for nature-based solutions. This will ensure that our activities are respectful of the Planetary Boundaries and align with the 1.5°C scenario defined by the scientific community."

- Alexandra Palt, Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer, L’Oréal, and Executive Vice-President, Fondation L’Oréal

The Solutions Project is working to achieve 100% renewable energy for 100% of people and works with local communities to find solutions and amplify voices:

“Women and Black, Indigenous, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latinx and other communities at the frontlines of climate solutions are getting it done! They are saving our democracy. Dreaming boldly. Winning cutting edge climate policies and making life better in the places they know and love. Now government, philanthropy and industry can get it done by joining forces with community. By investing here and sharing power to achieve transformative change. If we can do this, the innovations at the forefront of climate justice will continue to drive us towards a green and just future for everyone.”

- Gloria Walton, CEO, The Solutions Project

The Climate Museum inspires climate action through programming across the arts and sciences:

“'Getting it done' means: first, a deep swell of civic participation and action to sustain the intense, extended commitment required across government and the private sector to address the climate crisis, and second, scaling out to a year-round location where our inclusive cultural programming inspires and propels that process."

- Miranda Massie, Director, The Climate Museum

Join us September 20-26 for Climate Week NYC 2021 to get it done.