Time for big, bold, and equitable climate investments | Climate Week Skip to main content
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Time for big, bold, and equitable climate investments

16th September 2021 Earthjustice 2 min read

Fighting the climate crisis means investing in infrastructure

What's at stake

The climate crisis is accelerating, and we must dramatically cut our carbon emissions if we hope to preserve a livable planet. Meanwhile, our country is facing the intersecting crises of COVID-19, economic injustice, and racial injustice. We must meet the moment with bold action that matches the scale of these crises. That means transforming our economy to build a pollution-free, 100% clean energy future. Tell your members of Congress it’s time to invest big in a sustainable and just future.

For too long we’ve been forced to live with the damage that the fossil fuel industry has created — bad air quality, dirty water, and extreme weather. We must rebuild this country with climate and environmental justice at the core. For example, our transportation system needs an inclusive and robust overhaul. This means not only electrifying our cars, but electrifying and multiplying our bus and train fleets — making sure that everyone has access to convenient, low-cost mobility that doesn’t come at the expense of the climate or the lungs of people in communities that the government has divided with highways.

This is the kind of transformative change we need. We have a chance to begin building a society that’s just and fair, one where clean water, clean air, and a healthy climate are rights and not privileges.

It is urgent that Congress pass a budget that makes the big, bold, and ambitious investments needed to tackle the climate crisis, achieve true environmental justice, and accelerate the transition to clean energy. To meet this moment, to heed the science, and to make good on President Biden’s promises, Congress must act now to deliver on climate, justice, and jobs. We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to solve the climate crisis and advance environmental justice. 

As the official Policy Program Partner for Climate Week NYC 2021, ‘Getting It Done’ for Earthjustice means supporting big, bold and equitable climate investments. And time is of the essence. Please visit our website to learn more and support the transformative investments we desperately need.